Monday, August 4, 2008


Heading to Sacramento this Friday for a big weekend of Weddings and party. I really can't wait to see all my friends. It should be a really good time.

For the rest of this week, I think I might try and take a trip to Bainbridge for a bike ride. We'll see how the work and weather goes. I've only been to Bainbridge a few times and what I saw of it, I liked.

As for life, well life is being rebuilt. Things are changing and the next 9 months are really going to be important. I just have to make sure I can keep up with it all.

This past weekend was pretty fun even though I probably drank my body weight in alcohol. Though I say that as I'm getting ready to leave work to meet up with from friends for drinks.

The Dead Baby Downhill was fun as well even though my coaster break caught on fire as I was rolling down a huge hill. The party was a true rager.


1 comment:

Jenny Piccolo said...

I'm so excited that you are making it out!!
I can't wait to see you <3