Friday, October 31, 2008

All they do is stare like I'm in a fish bowl

Three pokes a charm


Collars to the ceiling, I'm dreaming somebody pinch me..


I love the "take with food" symbol is a hamburger. Mmmmm hamburger.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Past Weekend






Overheard in the office

"Do you have any tums?"
"Yeah. You know I haven't had one of these and they are almost gone."
"Hey, I'll pay you back. I came good on the stamps I borrowed and I will come good on the tums."

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

for the road

posi chris


isolation with text


You know my build. You know my size. The degree to which my eyes are astigmatic.


Monday, October 20, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008


What do you do when you try and try and try and try to hang out with a long time friend and they are just unresponsive? Do you just give up and forget about them? Do you keep trying harder until you are let down even more?

Hmm, sounds vaguely familiar to something else.

Any ways, I'm sick but it's up and down. The week has been up and down. But I also realized that it will never always be good and never always be bad so I should just shut the fuck up and deal with this shit.

I saw some good people last night. It was low key and I hope I see some of them more.

I think I'm heading to the islands with a friend this weekend. I think it's healthy to get out of town every once in a while. The San Juan islands are so awesome and I'm kicking myself for not spending more time up there. Loading the car up with cameras, sleeping bags, t-bone, food, ipods, and good conversation material.

In other dramatic news, I've been going through boxes of old shit recently. Kind of feeling shitty about all of my surroundings so a friend suggested that I burn it all. In most cases, I would disagree with throwing away stuff that reminds me of the past but for right now, I think it's alright. Mentally cleansing so to say. Whatever, it all needs to go. If I move anywhere, I want to have make sure that I'm only taking a few boxes. I'm not trying to erase my life in Seattle, I'm just doing what feels right.

I have a sick feeling that when I drink, and drink a lot, I act like a person that I really don't want to hang out with. A lot of opinions change when you are sober around drunk people. I think it shows a side, that if you were drunk as well, you wouldn't care about. I also think this comes with age because I never had that thought before. I mean of course I have witnessed people turn into douche bags but never had seen it in this light before. God, I must have looked like a complete idiot the past two weekends and probably many times before. I always think about one time I drank WAY too much wine and someone had to literally take care of me when I was vomiting and stumbling around the house. And I remember what that person said to me...saying I reminded them of someone that used to have to take of when they acted similar. It's an awful, sinking feeling to be compared to someone that hurt the other person so much. I still think about that a lot when I drink. Recently, I haven't cared but I need to start caring because I never, ever, ever want to be compared in that sense again.

So yeah! awesome stuff. This entry is so fucking scatterbrained but hey, welcome to this disordered head.

I'm still jocking Why? way too hard. I've really been into this song a lot lately

Simeon's Dilemma :
stalker's my whole style
and if i get caught i'll
deny deny deny

today you're 25
i made you something fine
it's in the palm of my new hand
it's out
you're mostly what i think about and
i'm proud
i've been coasting on this singles route

but i still hear your name
in wedding bells
will i look better or will i look the same
rotting in hell
you're the only proper noun i need
my copper crown's gone green
pull me, pull me on out of this tree
i'm stuck up a branch waiting
clearly caught between
two things unclear to me

are you a female young messiah
for stowaways in dugouts
and are you what church folk mean
by the good news
pulling plastic bags off heads
or are you giving me a dirty look
in the rear view
clicking the button on your u-ha pen
don't pretend you didn't see me
coming round the bend
on my fixi with the chopped corns turned in
trailing behind your biodiesal bends

stalker's my whole style
and if i get caught i'll
deny deny deny

25 carved with a butter knife
on the palm of my new hand
it's out
you're mostly what i think about

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I haven't met anyone else that likes this band. But I couldn't care less.

Please, if you do, let's hang out.

The new EP is going to be epic.

The true definition of emotionally heavy.

black cloud

After a few good weeks, things have went to shit.

I don't think I will be able to take that new part time job because they want me to start working at 330 PM which my current job will not let me do.

And I'm getting sick. and about a ton of other things I'd care not to think about or mention. I should have jumped at the chance to get the fuck away. What was hell was I thinking?

Starting from scratch sucks.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pretty much

Dumb Dumb Dumb

This Sunday night drinking thing has to come to an end. Last night was awful and I embarrassed myself so bad.

On the up side....actually there is no upside to last night whatsoever.

I'm starting my second job soon working with troubled teens with addictions. It should be good/weird experience.

For now, I have to put a smile on and drink some more water.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Complex Societies

Last night I was over at a friends house watching the new Indiana Jones movie. It was super late and I was half asleep but the movie really made me want to beef up my knowledge of Mayan Culture. When I got home this morning, I started trolling around Wikipedia and reading all sorts of awesome articles on the Mayans. I don't know why I never really got into them before but it's extremely fascinating. I'm headed to the book store soon to find some books that will inform me more about the Mayans. I wish my good buddy Pat lived closer; I know he is well versed in shit like this.

On another topic, the show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia just keeps getting better and better. I haven't laughed that hard in so long.

Also, it may seem lame, but I haven't missed an episode of Sons of Anarchy yet. The last episode was SOOO intense that I almost had to turn away on some parts. Check it out on I'm pretty into it.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ohhh girl

So much has happened. I don't know where to start.

Well, things are going absolutely great really. I haven't felt this good in months. I finally put to sleep some demons which was bogging down my life for a long time. Working a ton, making a lot of $$$$$$$$ and possibly making a huge decision in the next few weeks. Negotiations are a bitch but never back down.

Missing my NYC friends a bunch but...................

I was dreading fall/winter for a while but now it doesn't seem like it's going to be so bad. Staying busy, feeling great, and telling the world to fuck off all at once.

4 big trips in the works for late 08/09. England, COSTA RICA?!?!, East coast, and possibly back to Germany for a week.

Went to see Choke the other night. It was pretty good and I actually liked it better than the book.

Oh man, speaking of books, I was so fucking pissed to see THIS the other day at Elliot Bay books. This bitch is ruining everything. And it wasn't just a sticker you can take off. No, it's actually ON THE FUCKING BOOK. Epic fail.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Hapless and Hopeless

I'd like to thank Scott Wade for the suggested play list of Cat Power, Jeff Buckley and Nick Cave..

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

while i'm alive i'll feel alive

I'm so fucking excited for Friday. I hope I'm not disappointed.