Sunday, October 12, 2008

Complex Societies

Last night I was over at a friends house watching the new Indiana Jones movie. It was super late and I was half asleep but the movie really made me want to beef up my knowledge of Mayan Culture. When I got home this morning, I started trolling around Wikipedia and reading all sorts of awesome articles on the Mayans. I don't know why I never really got into them before but it's extremely fascinating. I'm headed to the book store soon to find some books that will inform me more about the Mayans. I wish my good buddy Pat lived closer; I know he is well versed in shit like this.

On another topic, the show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia just keeps getting better and better. I haven't laughed that hard in so long.

Also, it may seem lame, but I haven't missed an episode of Sons of Anarchy yet. The last episode was SOOO intense that I almost had to turn away on some parts. Check it out on I'm pretty into it.

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