Monday, November 10, 2008

Weekends and Late Nights

Everything feels really weird lately. Even the normal things. I'm guessing that is change going into effect. I felt really nostalgic today. A lot of things reminded me of when I first moved to Seattle. I can't say that I never knew the future would be like this. But, those same smells and same feelings make me feel a little home sick. Not home sick, but past sick.

The constant feeling of being bummed it slowly fading but a small part is still there. And when those feelings crash with past memories, the small part overwhelms the not so bummed part.

Staying busy is helping. New people are helping. But, a part of my heart is missing and I don't know if it is ever going to heal.

Either way, things are better, (so much better) than they have been in the last...4 months. One thing that has changed is I'm sleeping better but sleeping less. I think in the past week I slept a total of 10 hours. I don't mind though; my time is being well spent. This week will be no different. A friend from SF is in town and she will be here until Tuesday so I gotta get major hang out time. But for now, I must get some sleep before this week starts.

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