Monday, December 22, 2008

Searching and Finding

Snowed in. Yes, I was snowed in with a bunch of friends since Thursday. It was a reallllly epic weekend that involved sleep overs, fights, TONS of booze, sledding, falling, bruises, more fights, snow ball fights, pushing cars up hills, falling down get the picture. There was drama but it all ended up good. A lot of us got closer as well this weekend which was awesome. I think there will be some photos of a drunk underwear party that happened last night? It was hazy but I'm pretty sure I'm almost naked. TIGHT!

I haven't worked since Wednesday and it feels nice but now I'm broke again. I can't go get my paycheck at job number 2 because my car is buried in snow. Hopefully this shit ends soon. I have to work tomorrow night and all day Wednesday. I need to log some hours or I'll really be fucked. I'm waking up early and driving to see my mom for xmas. I hope it doesn't snow again or I'm going to be spending xmas alone with me and tbone. Which I guess wouldn't be too bad but still, I'd like to see my mom for the holidays.

I am so worn out. The last 4 days were insane. It was a non-stop party the whole time. I think I maybe got 2-3 hours of sleep. Tomorrow I'm going to finish this project I've been working on for a few weeks. I'm really hoping it turns out the way I have imagined it.

I've been feeling pretty good lately. My mood has been pretty positive but I guess I hardly have time to feel like shit. Also, I've been keeping busy with a bunch of stuff I've neglected in the past. Photo's, creating, all that shit.

Speaking of photos. I have retired my digital camera for a little bit and I started focusing on film. Not the cheapest route, but it's something I've wanted to put time into for a while. I'm using a Holga, Fish eye 35mm and a Spectra Polaroid. I have about 6 rolls to get developed and I'm really exited to see how they turn out. The holga is going to have a lot of light leaks which is exciting. I've been messing around with the Polaroid as well. Double, even triple exposures. Stoked on those.

So here are a few pictures from the last two weeks. I'll start from last to first.

This is me using my friend's Mac Book. The only reason I like this photo is because I'm wearing a tight ass Sex Vid tie dye shirt. CROOSH!

Eastlake Snow Day Crew. Front left to right. Me, Julie (roommate) Lazzy (also a roommate) Kyle, and Jenn C. We went to this sweet vintage store on Eastlake and picked up some KILLER sleds. They ruled. Oh yeah, my hat rules too.

And here are some Polaroids I've been fucking with: Enjoy!

Oh! I'm home alone for two weeks which is gonna rule! Well, it just means I can walk around in my boxers and play music loud. Actually, I guess I can do that anytime. Bed time! !!!!!!!!!

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